Roberto Rizzo talks about Electrospider at Sportello Italia

The President of SolidWorld GROUP was a guest on Radio Rai 1's Sportello Italia to talk about Electrospider combined with AI

Electrospider at Sportello Italia

Roberto Rizzo, President of SolidWorld GROUP, was a guest on Radio Rai 1's Sportello Italia to talk about Electrospider combined with artificial intelligence. The platform is the first one in the world capable of generating 3D cellular constructs having the complex topology of human tissues.

Thanks to this technology, it is possible to create live tissue with an additive method, starting from cells grown in vitro.

Electrospider's goal is to create whole organs to reduce the long waiting lists for organs to be transplanted.

Integration with Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence combined with Electrospider can be very useful, for example, to combine data from an MRI and a tomography and develop the digital model to work on later.

Roberto Rizzo, President of SolidWorld GROUP, spoke about this and much more on the Sportello Italia program on Radio Rai 1, listen to the full interview.

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